Big Rock access priority for Dishman Hills Association

CONSERVATION – Developing a parking area for the south-side access to the Big Rock conservation area near Tower Mountain is a top 2011 priority for The Dishman Hills Natural Area Association, which recently filled all 14 slots on its board.
After three years of negotiations, the non-profit group acquired the 80-acre parcel in Spokane Valley in 2009.
Since 1994, the association has acquired about 500 acres in the Tower Mountain- Big Rock area, said Michael Hamilton, association president.
The Big Rock-Rocks of Sharon area adjoins Spokane County’s 875-acre Iller Creek Conservation Futures Area, which extends uphill from the Ponderosa neighborhood west of Dishman-Mica Road.
The 2009 deal created about 1,300 acres of Dishman Hills association and county land dedicated to natural-area protection and public, nonmotorized recreation, Hamilton said.
To continue these endeavors, the group needs to continue to cultivate new supporters and donors.
For information on membership and tax-deductible donations, contact Michael Hamilton, 747-8147.
The DHNA’s current slate of trustees includes David Cole, Paul Flanary, Karen Jurasin, Chris Kopczynski, Beatrice Lackaff, David Lill, Bob Ordner, Mary Weathers, Peter Wolbach, Andrew Ashmore, Michael Hamilton, Jeff Lambert, Kris Wolbach and Suzy Dix..
Dishman Hills activities
The group’s traditional Buttercup Hike through the Dishman Hills is set for April 2 followed by the second annual REI-sponsored service day for the natural area on April 9.