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The Spokesman-Review Newspaper
Spokane, Washington  Est. May 19, 1883

Matter of Opinion

State budgets/collective bargaining

The budget battle taking place in The Cheddar State is whipping up a sharp divide nationwide on the issue of public employee pay and collective bargaining rights. Gov. Walker could accept union concessions and call it a victory, but he's angling for more. 

Meanwhile, here's a USA Today poll that shows nationwide opposition to ending collective bargaining, a near split on whether pay/benefits for public employees should be cut, a big "no" to tax increases and another split on cutting government services.  Sure makes it hard to balance budgets with those collective sentiments. On the other hand, a majority of voters agree that their states have crises.

Your thoughts on all of this?

Gary Crooks
Gary Crooks joined The Spokesman-Review in 1997. He is editor of the Opinion section and a member of the Editorial Board.

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