TWolf22: Time For Word Cooler
TWolf22: I think, unfortunately, it is time to put together a word cooler. The accelerated use and baseless suggestion, accusations, and intimations that people are: Bigots, homophobes, idiots, racists, etc... just because that person expresses an opposing philosophy, is asking for the nasty personal tit-for-tats that often develop. Really, what is the difference calling someone the n-word as calling someone a bigot. Both are derogatory.
When someone suggests, intimates, word smiths, etc... one of these terms towards another, you can't expect the receiver to just ignore it. Let's not be so disingenuous to suggest that most don't know who or what individuals are targeting and saying, even though they attempt to mask it by claiming that someone has "thin skin," or that it must hit home.
What positive does using these words or terms bring to this blog? I am all for people expressing their philosophies and ideologies, etc..., everyone has the right to do so. But the truth is, that no one can see in anyone else's heart. Using some of these terms, without evidence that will stand up in court, is libelous. Many hide behind their computers and verbally insult others who they would otherwise not do so in a face-to-face, and I think that should be the criteria. Would you say that to someone's face, knowing not only the potential for physical consequences, but more so a suit for libel or slander?
Question: Are there certain words used by commenters at Huckleberries Online that should trigger automatic use of the cooler?