JeanieS Transplant Car Show Set
All pertinent info can be found here
As many of you know, long-time HucksOnline commenter JeanieSpokane is trying to get a kidney transplant. In order to
do, she needs to prove to the transplant center that she has the money to pay for post-transplant drugs that run from $1,500 to $3,000 over the first six months. So, JeanieSpokane and her Team Jeanie have put together a car show with prizes to raise money. JeanieSpokane explains for Huckleberries Online: "Friends of Mechanic Man (her significant other) and two other car guys on my team have come up with amazing things for door prizes and raffle prizes. One company made all my T-shirts that I will have for sale at the car show -- the "ribbon" color of kidney disease is teal -- so the T-shirt is teal with a slogan on the front to "knock out PKD" (Polycystic Kidney Disease). Another paid for all the plaques. Water was donated. Oil changes. etc. It's just fantastic to me, personally. I would have never believed this was a possibility. We held a rummage sale a few weeks ago and most of my donations came from Hucksters. It's just amazing to me!"
Key Info:
- First Annual Northwest Kidney Disease Benefit Car Show
- Saturday, August 1, 2015 – 9:00 to 3:00 – Awards at 3:30
- Registration: $20
- All proceeds go to HelpHOPELive in honor of Jeanie Buchanan for post transplant expenses
- Morgan Acres Park, 7221 N. Regal (North of Francis on Regal and Wilding), Spokane, Washington