Brent Regan Denounces Liberals
In a Coeur d'Alene Press online comment under the story about the Oath Keepers rally, Brent Regan denounces liberals: " ... Try to remember that liberalism is a transitional stage on the path to adult reasoning. We all occupy this stage of development at some point. Some transition it quickly and some get stuck. Those that do get stuck exhibit an invincible ignorance where they shun the truth and enlightenment. It is sad to witness as they become prisoners of their own fear. Like children, they are unable to formulate an accurate threat assessment so that Pop Tarts and pointed fingers become "guns" and therefore a threat. Impelled by fear and inadequacy, some turn to bullying and what better place to bully than as an anonymous blogger. Reasoning with them is a futile effort as they have not achieved the context for understanding. Remember as a child your parents saying "you will understand when you are older" because you did not have an adult perspective and context and without context it is like trying to teach calculus to a fish."