Survey: McDonalds Can Pay More
McDonald's can afford to pay its workers a living wage without sacrificing any of its low menu prices, according to a new study provided to The Huffington Post by a University of Kansas researcher. Doubling the salaries and benefits of all McDonald's employees -- from workers earning the federal minimum wage of $7.25 per hour to CEO Donald Thompson, whose 2012 compensation totaled $8.75 million -- would cause the price of a Big Mac to increase just 68 cents, from $3.99 to $4.67, University of Kansas research assistant Arnobio Morelix told HuffPost. In addition, every item on the Dollar Menu would go up by 17 cents/Huffington Post. More here. (AP file photo)
Question: I don't recommend doubling the wages of fast-food workers. But a wage half gain as much as the minimum federal wage wouldn't affect fast-food prices that much. I'd be willing to pay more for a burger. How about you?