County To Jettison Chilco Falls Park?
We got word from some dedicated ice climbers that Kootenai County Parks and Waterways is considering the sale or disposal of Chilco Falls Park, one of the best ice-climbing spots in the entire inland northwest. Difficult to find, difficult to access, and with no park amenities whatsoever, the property is being considered for surplus, with the proceeds of any sale rumored to go toward facilities in more popular parks and waterways facilities in the County. This isn’t the first time the County has had the idea, however. Back in 1998, the Spokesman-Review covered a previous attempt to unload the property. However, according to the article, “Chilco Creek was donated to the state in 1914 by developer C.S. Argo. He stipulated that the land must be open to the public ‘forever.’ It eventually became county property”/KEA Blog. More here. (Spokane Mountaineers photo via KEA Blog)