Clerk Reveals Registration Volunteers
re: MikeK queries county clerk about voter registration "volunteers"/Hucks Online
In an email to Coeur d'Alene Councilman Mike Kennedy that Huckleberries Online received moments ago, Deputy County Clerk Pat Raffee revealed the names of volunteers who culled voter registration rolls looking for unqualified voters: "Hello again Councilman. The volunteers were Collin Coles, Jodi Hissong, Chris Pappas and DeDe Tondee. You may know these people; all but one are former appointed public servants. Their unpaid work at County Elections was for a few hours on June 2. Their process included examining addresses for voters registered on what are notable commercial streets, such as Ironwood Drive, Sherman Avenue, Government Way, Seltice Way, 4th Street, Mullan Drive, Aqua Drive, Railroad Avenue, Highway 41, etc. The volunteers examined some County Assessor records to verify a residence through a homeowners’ exemption at that address, or County GIS Mapping information to determine via photographs that a residence was on site. Full email here. (Photos: Mike Kennedy, left, and County Clerk Cliff Hayes)
Question: Any problems with volunteers?