Pastor Denounces Bouma Postcards
The pastor of the Freeze Church near here said Tuesday he is
outraged over recent political attempts to use his ministry against
Republican Gresham Bouma. "I am absolutely brokenhearted that anything I have ever said
could be used against Gresham Bouma," said Lloyd Knerr. "That bothers me
far more than I could ever tell you. It devastates me." Bouma, who's running against Democrat Dan Schmidt in the
District 6 Idaho Senate race, is a member of the Freeze Church, along
with his family. Knerr, who describes his church as "just a Bible-believing,
Bible-teaching church" of about 75 members, said attempts to smear Bouma
for being part of the congregation started perhaps more than a month
ago. But the latest salvo, he said, left him at a loss for words/David Johnson, Lewiston Tribune. More here.
Question: Do you believe Lloyd Kneer that his Freeze Church had nothing to do with the attack postcards that threatened Gresham Bouma detractors with hell fire?