Ah, the hell with it!
Good evening, Netizens...
At age 67, after more than 40 years of packing around a pack or more of cigarettes in my shirt pocket, today is the third (going on the fourth) day since I had my last cigarette. The ashtrays are all emptied, and the only sign that remains to tell anyone of my previous addiction to smoking is the box of smoker's patches sitting in the bathroom closet where most medicines in our house reside. I suppose they are a medicine, after all, since without them I probably would never have the temerity to quit smoking.
Perhaps the biggest loss once I began the planning process to successfully quit smoking this time (there were other attempts, all unsuccessful) was that I suddenly found my lifelong friend, that blithering idiot that talks to me from between my ears, suddenly was silenced. A lot of people noticed this, including my partner and friend, Jeanie, and even Dave Oliveria of Huckleberries Online. During the week leading up to when I smoked my last cigarette up until today, it couldn't be helped. Every voice inside my head was screaming at the top of their considerable lungs to have another cigarette and stop this madness.
I never made it this far with quitting cigarettes going “cold turkey”.
Thank God for the patch. At least I now know I can beat this addiction, and move onward with what is left of my life. I did know I had to plan this exercise, though, and that required a few trips to the doctor's office, a prescription or two and some timing. Now that everything is in place and I am going on day four, I am feeling almost normal for me. Thanks to everyone for your concerns. According what I already know, I should be almost “normal” in two days or so. The technicians tell me it just gets better from there.