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The Spokesman-Review Newspaper
Spokane, Washington  Est. May 19, 1883

Community Comment

Dave’s Journey

Good Evening, Netizens and all the populace of Dave Laird's Virtual Ballroom.  Dave has had a really rough 12 months - the final piece of this roller coaster ride is culminating in a procedure to fuse a vertebrae that he somehow broke a couple months ago.  He'll have that procedure in the next ten days and should be raring to charge out to the Ballroom.

Dave has been bedridden for the last couple weeks.  Over the last few months, he has had little problems here and there - and subsequently he has written less and less - only wanting to write more and more.  He, both of us, have seemed to get stuck in a rut where the creative juices just don't flow.

I am asking for everyone's positive thoughts, uplifting prayers, and maybe a few good clean jokes our way. 

The spirit is a powerful thing and thrives under positive ideals.  We all have things in our lives that either build us up or wear us down and our spirit is what rises to the top.

Here's to David Laird and may he be up to ballroom dancing soon - if not a simple two-step - and tiptoe his way to a keyboard hooked to Community Comment and make some noise!

~Humbly yours,  Jeanie~

Spokesman-Review readers blog about news and issues in Spokane written by Dave Laird.