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The Spokesman-Review Newspaper
Spokane, Washington  Est. May 19, 1883

Community Comment

The reverse Robin Hood…

David Horsey,,
Do not tax the wealthy; tax the poor and disenfranchised
David Horsey,, Do not tax the wealthy; tax the poor and disenfranchised

Good evening, Netizens...


I must admit present economic times have dealt a disheartening series of blows to some of our worlds. With real estate foreclosures and unemployment both rising, and no end in sight of the cutbacks to those who are on Social Security and Medicare, there does seem to be an inequality to our federal and state budget. Cartoonist David Horsey makes note of this in today's cartoon, quickly making note of how Republicans are opposed to imposing any new taxes on the wealthy and super-wealthy while the rest of us are struggling to make ends meet.


My personal take on this is while Republicans are embracing their anti-tax dogma with open-armed zeal, does this truly seem like a sensible political tactic when life is not nearly so good for the lower and middle-class income families? I sense the real trick may be coming when the Republicans attempt to justify their unwillingness to tax the wealthy in the upcoming elections. Just how are Eric Cantor and his Merry Men going to justify their actions when people step into the ballot box?


After all, low-income families vote, too, don't they?



Spokesman-Review readers blog about news and issues in Spokane written by Dave Laird.