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Spokane, Washington  Est. May 19, 1883

Eye On Boise

Otter says he has ‘total confidence’ in Geddes to take over Tax Commish

"He has my total confidence and my appreciation," Gov. Butch Otter said of Sen. Bob Geddes, his choice to be the next chairman of the state Tax Commission. "Bob has great respect in the Legislature, I think he has great respect all over Idaho. I have found that wherever I go, and a high level of confidence that not only comes from both sides of the rotunda but both sides of the aisle."

Otter said, "Collecting taxes from people is one of the most important jobs and one of the most sensitive jobs we have in the state. People understand their responsibility in paying taxes, but they want to make sure it's fair, that it's equitable, and that it's done with respect."

Geddes said, "I have accepted this position - I will do my very best." He said he'll be retiring from his longtime position at Monsanto Corp.

Otter said possible reform of the Tax Commission still is under consideration. "I believe having Bob there will be very helpful in directing those issues or those questions or those ideas for change with the legislators," Otter said. Geddes said, "I don't really have any preconceived notion of what really needs to be done at the Tax Commission at this point." He said, "Certainly there is always room for improvements."

Otter's previous Tax Commission chairman, Royce Chigbrow, who also was his longtime campaign treasurer, resigned a week and a half ago after allegations that he used his position to help a friend in a business dispute and to aid clients of his son's accounting firm.

Eye On Boise

News, happenings and more from the Idaho Legislature and the state capital.