Vassar confirmed to ITD board
Jan Vassar has been unanimously confirmed by the Idaho Senate for a full six-year term on the Idaho Transportation Board, after earlier being appointed to serve for just six weeks to complete the term of the late Bruce Sweeney. Vassar, former Lewiston city manager, administrative services director and city clerk, won praise from senators. "She's very professional, she's very knowledgable, and she's going to make an outstanding addition to our board," said Senate Transportation Chairman John McGee, R-Caldwell. Sen. Chuck Winder, R-Boise, a former board chairman, said, "I am very proud that she is going to be the first female appointee to the board. She is highly qualified and will do an excellent job, and it's nice to break that ceiling."
Prior to Vassar's appointment, the board was sued for wrongful termination of its first-ever female transportation director, with sex discrimination among the charges in former Director Pam Lowe's lawsuit. The case is pending.