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Letters for Jan. 30, 2023

The matter of Ukraine

In 1938, the world was still mired in the Great Depression. America was scarred by our casualties in Europe’s “Great War,” too. So, Hitler’s resurgent, militant Germany wasn’t our concern. We retreated behind an ocean of differences in neo-isolationism to deal with our own problems.

We find ourselves in a similar situation now. We can’t know the future, just as Americans in 1938 couldn’t have known what was to come. Imagine though, if Britain and France had been able to arm the Czechoslovakians before and after the Nazis took the Sudetenland, and they had fought the Nazis until they drove them out in defeat. Would that have stopped Hitler and prevented the devastation of World War II in Europe? We can’t know that either, but maybe.

However, we can know what Putin’s designs are on Ukraine and Europe. He has actually written them down. The noted scholar, Mark Levin explains them. Search “Mark Levin: What are Putin’s intentions?” and watch the video. Putin’s Russian invaders must be driven out of Ukraine in complete defeat and Putin held to account for his war crimes. If not, Putin will regroup, rebuild his military with lessons learned and seek double revenge.

America became the “Arsenal of Democracy” to supply and sustain Great Britain’s desperate war effort for survival before WWII came to us. Ukraine desperately needs our help now. Ukrainians are united and willing to fight for freedom at Europe’s gateway. Ukraine is not a marginal country. Ukraine matters. WWIII is here.

Bob Strong


Commercials vs. basketball

Perhaps if Drew Timme spent more time practicing his free throws (made only four of 11 against Pacific on Jan. 21) instead of making really sappy (silly) TV commercials, the Gonzaga’s men’s basketball team 75 home game win streak would likely still be intact and growing instead of losing by 1 point to a subpar LMU team on Jan. 19. Just sayin’.

Doug Cameron

Post Falls

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