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Letters for April 1


To all you parents out there with school-age children who are frustrated and feel defenseless with the endless restrictions and non-educational instructions by the government-run schools that don’t allow you to have a voice in determining the proper curriculum that your children can learn and grow from in order to help prepare them for life on their own, there is a silver lining. It’s called school bonds. This is your voice that they will hear loud and clear.

Jeanie Smith

Nine Mile Falls

The hypocrisy of Hollywood

Members of the Hollywood crowd, the same community which seeks fame and fortune by producing movies glamorizing cop-killers and drug dealers, while corrupting the minds of our children, are now acting appalled by Mr. Smith’s conduct Sunday evening. Give me a break!

I’d buy Will Smith a Cuban cigar if they were available in this country.

Charles Delgado


Not too timid, too intelligent

I disagree with Donald Capstick’s premise that the U.S. is too “timid” to use nuclear weapons in defense of Ukraine (“We have truly forgotten,” March 16).

Fortunately, our political and military leadership recognizes the futility of nuclear brinksmanship and is working diligently to maintain a non-nuclear response to Russia’s barbaric invasion of Ukraine.

Given time, the economic sanctions levied against Russia coupled with the fierce resistance of Ukraine’s people will force Russia to capitulate in some form. Much blood and treasure will be sacrificed in the interim.

I also disagree with Mr. Capstick’s assertion that the U.S. has lost its technical prowess. There is little doubt that if the U.S. so chose, it could eliminate the Russian threat to Ukraine in a matter of days with conventional warfare methodology. Obviously, however, there is also little doubt that Russia would respond with tactical nuclear weapons. This would almost surely lead to a wider strategic nuclear exchange.

I, like many Americans, am deeply frustrated that a nation that spends $715 billion per year on defense has been tactically checkmated by a country that spends about 10% of that amount on its military.

Perhaps one positive outcome of this dark chapter in world history is that the U.S. might reconsider the wisdom of spending close to $1 trillion per year on defense that can so easily be thwarted by a madman with an arsenal of nuclear weapons.

James Clanton

Spokane Valley

Trump best chance with Putin

Whether you like former President Trump or not, I feel he is the best chance we have of getting Russian President Putin to lower current high alert status of his nuclear arms. Hurting him with economic sanctions may have the same effect as sending troops to help and our aircraft to enforce a no fly zone. World War 3.

Perhaps Donald Trump can get President Putin to remove Russian Troops from Ukraine (except for the far Eastern areas in dispute) as a favor to him allowing President Putin out of a bad situation for everybody and not letting him look weak as his friend former President Donald Trump has convinced him it is best for all concerned. There might even be a Nobel Peace Prize in it. In any event, I will not be able to vote for Donald Trump if my core temperature reaches 10 million degrees in less than a second. Perhaps someone who actually knows how can get this message to Donald Trump for him to consider.

Robert Omsted


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