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Border security vs. border crisis

It is elementary that we must learn from our past mistakes, lest we repeat them.

Following the horrific terror attack of 9/11/2001 our elected leaders formed a bi-partisan, ten member Commission who were tasked with determining why we were totally surprised by the attacks and what steps should be taken to make sure such terrorist actions did not occur in the future. The Commission published an extensive report entitled “The 9/11 Commission Report.” In that Report, with respect to border security, the Commission stated:

“It is elemental to border security to know who is coming into the country. … We must also be able to monitor and respond to entrances between our ports of entry, working with Canada and Mexico as much as possible.” (Report at p. 390)

Not only is the current southern border situation a humanitarian crisis, it is completely contrary to the bi-partisan recommendation made following 9/11. Have we learned anything from our past mistakes? It seems that we haven’t.

Jim McDevitt


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