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New rules allow drive-ins to open, libraries to fill orders

OLYMPIA – Watching a movie on a big outdoor screen at a drive-in theater could soon be possible in Eastern Washington. Picking up a book from the public library may also be an option, although browsing the shelves for an interesting but unfamiliar selection won’t be happening soon.

The state issued new directives for drive-in theaters and libraries for communities in Phase 2 of the four-step plan to reopen the state economy. Spokane and the surrounding counties in Eastern Washington are in that phase.

Drive-in theaters can begin showing movies, although cars must be separated by at least 10 feet. Patrons must stay in the vehicle unless going to the concession stand or restroom, and wear masks when out of the car. The concession stands must follow Health Department food service guidelines for keeping workers safe and sanitizing surfaces and have hand sanitizer near the cash register.

Libraries can begin offering books and other items through mail delivery or curbside pickup of orders, but in-person services aren’t allowed and the buildings must remain closed to the public. Returned items must be “quarantined” for at least 24 hours before being redistributed and staff members must wear masks and gloves and keep at least 6 feet between each other at all times.