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Coal and new industry

One can’t blame Robert Murray for buying favors from Trump and Scott Pruitt. He has watched his business wane profusely as folks have decided clean water, clean air and coal worker safety are more important to ‘mericans than multibillionaire businessmen.

The bigger problem, other than the rollback of regulations, which help keep ‘Mericans more healthy by keeping contaminants out of the air and water, is that ‘Merica falls further behind the next wave of energy production, distribution, infrastructure manufacture and maintenance. It would be smarter to invest this treasure in clean energy instead of keeping a sunset industry alive.

It’s this type of short-sighted distraction which keeps states like Kentucky and Oklahoma (Scott Pruitt’s birth state and state he served in government) invested in dying industries. These states are steeped in industrial tradition to the point that the next generation, without vocational intervention, will be struggling to eke out a living because guys like Pruitt are bought and paid for by guys like Murray. Not only are they suffocating the coal workers, they’re also snuffing the future of the next generation.

Steve LaCombe

Spokane Valley

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