Tax cuts for the rich
So, the congressional Tax Reform and Jobs Act has been analyzed and determined to result in higher taxes for middle-class families, and an increase to our debt of $1.5 trillion dollars. I’m waiting for Trump to call this bill “mean” like he did with the ACA repeal and replace effort in the House.
Why are we even wasting time with such an obvious pandering to the 1 percent? Our stock markets are booming, corporations are making record earnings and profits, inflation is low and unemployment is low. At the same time, we have an aging population, aging infrastructure, wartime expenses, climate change consequences, education and health care needs, and many other important needs. We should be taking steps to raise revenues, not giving the wealthy a bonanza of tax cuts and revenue losing reforms.
If we are insistent on deficit spending, why not a $1.5 trillion infrastructure plan? I would imagine that this would have a much, much greater likelihood of paying for itself than tax cuts for the rich.
Anthony Seman
Coeur d’Alene