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Focus on global change

Foreign relations is a topic that, most obviously in recent events, has not been seen in a positive light. Granted, globally, the time between incidents has become shorter and shorter while increasingly getting more and more horrific. But then, could there be a better time for countries all over the globe to ally against a common enemy?

There are many areas of international relations that can be targeted and improved, so why not start with one that the world can level on: education and economic progress.

The Borgen Project is a nonprofit organization that works with our country’s political leaders to implement global change starting with those who are in desperate need of basic necessities such as food, clean water, healthy living and education. The requirement of these basic needs is obvious, but the solution might not always be.

What we now have to recognize is that there is a solution, that there are solutions, that we can do something to change the state of the world as a whole. I am hoping that now, because there are numerous venues via which we can change the world, that we do.

Briana Estrellado


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