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Bad trade for Americans

Mom, dad: Remember what I said about the Trans Pacific Pact? How corporations would be able to go to private courts and get judgments against the United States federal and state governments because the laws we pass will infringe on the corporations’ profit margins? How corporations would again ship jobs overseas?

Well, it still looks like it’s going to happen. Not only that, but now both the Republicans and Democrats want to help workers get retrained through the Trade Adjustment Assistance Act when their jobs get sent overseas. That doesn’t sound too bad, except that instead of making corporations pay for the retraining of American workers they are going to raid Medicare to pay for it.

By passing the TPP, not only are your sons and daughters likely to lose their jobs by corporations moving overseas, but by passing the Trade Adjustment Assistance Act you may very likely lose your Medicare. Do something about it.

Lawrence Schuchart


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