If there’s a special dog in your life, Boomer U wants to hear about it
Baby boomers, has a dog changed your life? Bringing companionship to an empty nest, keeping you active, providing laughter and friendship just when you needed it most?
Or perhaps you have a service dog who helps you through the day, or gives you a chance to help and comfort others. The Spokesman-Review would like to publish a few short stories about what dogs mean in the lives of Boomer U readers.
Send us up to 250 words paying tribute to your canine friend. If you’d like, attach a photo. Email your tribute to dogstories@spokesman.com. Submission deadline: Midnight April 30.
Include your full name, mailing address and daytime phone number so we can reach you. We’ll publish the best stories in Boomer U on May 20. We reserve the right to edit.