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Repair street repairs

I read on the July 16 front page that more money has been allocated for street repairs, paid for by license fees. I think we all agree that these repairs need to be done.

But is the city spending the taxpayers’ money wisely? When Nevada Street was redone a few years back, I could tell – rocket scientist that I am – that it was an unprofessional job that would not last. The seams did not even meet, which makes a great place for deteriorating to begin and, sure enough, a year or so later they redid it.

So who in the city signed off on that job and all the others? Unfortunately, that seems to be the only product sold without any warranty for its usability. What a scam!

My nephew, a city manager, said we would have to pay more money for a job that would last. We do not get a bang for our buck.

People in City Hall should be fired! Shouldn’t the officials be held accountable for giving the drivers a decent, usable product for our tax dollars?

So, I hope and pray that these businesses getting the jobs will provide a viable, useful product.

Pat Corbin


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