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Bond buys pride, education

The Spokesman-Review

By voting yes for Spokane schools’ bond and levy replacement, you are investing in our kids and our community.

I’m fortunate to teach at Ridgeview Elementary, which was rebuilt by funds from the 2003 bond. Thank you, Spokane citizens! I wish you could all see the pride and excitement our students have in the new building. I’ve seen this pride and excitement transfer into their academic work.

By continuing existing tax rates, four elementary schools and Ferris High School are slated to be renovated or rebuilt. This bond not only invests in our children’s education but in the local economy. Spokane schools will hire local architects, local engineers and local contractors to complete these projects.

This levy provides 14.5 percent of Spokane schools’ operating budget. Among other things, it funds art and music programs, special education teachers and librarians. Due to budget cuts, Ridgeview no longer has a full-time librarian. In fact, the library is only open half the week, inaccessible for students to check out new books and do research. I can’t imagine what a void that would leave in our children’s education to lose these essential programs and personnel.

Alisa Caproni


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