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The Slice: For many, Apple’s never been spoiled

The Slice heard from lots of readers who reported that WSU is undefeated in Apple Cup games they have attended.

Of course, most of them have never been to an Apple Cup. But still.

“A lot of people around here would be amazed to learn how many folks in this area have never: “Been to a monster truck rally.” — Tadashi Osborne

That was just one of his 20 answers. “Seen a marmot” and “Had a mullet” were among his others.

But before we move on, let’s allow a couple of other readers to play.

“Done Bloomsday.” — Sue Chapin

“Learned that dressing as a cowboy went out of fashion.” — Caitlin Foster

“Living large in Spokane: Ever forgotten to put money in a parking meter and then, upon returning to your car, felt genuinely elated to discover that you had not gotten a ticket?

“Thanksgiving dinner instructions from kids in Connie King’s day care in Spokane Valley: “Check to see, maybe there are turkeys at Starbucks or maybe Wal-Mart.” — Ella, 5

OK. That’s step one. Pick up your double-tall latte bird or a turkey from China.

“Maybe put the oven on a little bit hot. Put it on a plate to cook it or maybe a pan. … Put barbecue sauce on the turkey before you cook it, then red sauce.” — Brody, 4

Red sauce? Young Brody did add an important cooking instruction: “When it’s got one minute left then it’s done.”

“Spokane’s Ray Kresek wonders: “How many people in America cut their own Christmas tree on their own property?”

His family has been doing it for years.

“For the record: “As far as putting up outdoor Christmas decorations well before the holiday, I put ours up early enough that it doesn’t become a chore involving frozen fingers,” wrote North Idaho’s Chris Bishop. “But our family tradition is to not light them up until after we have cleaned our Thanksgiving dinner dishes.”

“None of the above: A few years ago, Spokane’s Larry Garvin was in South Carolina during March Madness. Because of his Zags cap, he found himself asked to make a ruling on whether Gonzaga University is in upstate New York or California.

“Warm-up questions: What Inland Northwest resident has rolled the most miles in wheelchairs? What caught you off guard during your appointment with a urologist? Ever forget to take off the office-provided sunglasses after a dental appointment?

“Today’s Slice question: How many people have not (as adults) set foot in the state where they were born?

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