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The Spokesman-Review Newspaper
Spokane, Washington  Est. May 19, 1883

Man, woman held after police chase

The Spokesman-Review

A man and woman were arrested on various felony charges after a brief police pursuit early Tuesday morning.

Police said Shannon Mellon, 35, was driving a freshly stolen car south in the one-way, northbound section of Ruby Street and led Officer Zachary Dahle on a short chase when he attempted stop her.

When Mellon finally stopped, her passenger – 38-year-old Stacy Spencer – allegedly fled on foot but was chased down. Spencer had a loaded pistol when he was arrested, police said, and was booked on suspicion of first-degree unlawful possession of a firearm by a convicted felon.

A probation-violation hold prevented Spencer from posting bail Tuesday night.

Mellon also was denied bail because of two felony warrants charging her with drug possession. In addition, she was booked on suspicion of car theft and attempting to elude police.

Woman trapped near dead husband

Spokane police are investigating an incident early Tuesday morning in which, according to court documents, an obese woman was trapped between a wall and the bed in which her husband lay dead.

The woman, Diane McCraw, 49, reportedly was incoherent when officers broke down her apartment door at 2313 S. Southeast Blvd. about 2 a.m.

Later, though, officers said she told them she had been fighting with her husband, 47-year-old James Wyatt McCraw, and that they had “overdosed.”

Detectives said in search-warrant documents that Diane McCraw wasn’t immediately able to provide more information, but they learned that she had taken methadone and that James McCraw had a history of mental illness and drug abuse.

Police were summoned to the apartment by a neighbor who reported hearing a loud crash after listening to a woman saying, “Help me,” for 30 to 45 minutes.

Officers also reported hearing a woman calling for help just before they broke down the McCraws’ door.

Court documents say James McCraw, who showed no sign of injury, appeared to have been trying to place a telephone call when he died. Diane McCraw appeared to have been lying on a broken lamp.

Garry school says hit list not a threat

There was no malicious intent behind a “hit list” found at Garry Middle School last week, officials at Spokane Public Schools announced Tuesday.

The middle schooler who wrote the list told investigators no harm was intended, said spokesman David Beil. Officials refused to release the student’s name, gender or grade level.

Administrators immediately expelled the student but have not made a decision whether the student’s discipline will be a short- or long-term expulsion, Beil said.

The piece of paper entitled “Hit List” was found on the middle school campus Thursday, Beil said. The list contained 30 names, first names only. However, officials were able to identify all the students on the list, a majority of whom attend Garry Middle School.

The families of the students were notified as a precaution, Beil said.

Schools leader to host online chat

Spokane Public Schools Superintendent Brian Benzel will host his online chat with the community today from noon to 1 p.m.

The public is invited to submit questions for the chat – held the first Wednesday of each month – at the district’s Web site,; click on “Chat with the Superintendent.”

Questions can be posted any time on the Web site. Transcripts from previous chats are also available.