The Slice Her Age Isn’t Carved In Stone
An older friend who has every right to be seriously sick of boomers and Xers announced the other day that she is a “Roosevelt baby.”
A guy in his early 40s heard this and asked, “Which one?”
Our friend was encouraged to deck him, but she restrained herself.
Permission granted: It’s OK to admit that you’re sore today. Anyone who would judge your worth as a person in terms of your ability to resist muscle fatigue isn’t your friend.
Slice answers: “The most colorful person in the area is definitely my mom, Evelyn Boseth in Post Falls,” wrote Cheney’s Karen Ulmer. “Most of her color comes from the flowers that take over her house and yard. She has more than a green thumb. It’s probably more on the order of green hands. She is a woman who can do anything she sets her mind to. Last summer this great-grandmother was hauling bales - 90-pound alfalfa bales! She not only cares for her own yard but mows and weeds for others. She is always there to help those who are in need, especially young people. And she still manages to care for her 16-month-old great-granddaughter four days a week.”
Joyce Goad nominated her brother. “With a name like Hoot Goad, how could he not be?”
It’s National Nurses Week: In our opinion, Spokane has lots and lots of good ones. So why not invite one to go dancing?
It’s also Drinking Water Week: One way to celebrate is to first find someone who thinks all governmental regulations and standards are bad. Then call that person a fool.
And this is National Bike Month: Wear your helmet. Stay off the sidewalks. And laugh at gas prices.
Here’s our Paul Harvey impression: Bessie Storms noted the following bumper snicker on a bright red sports car parked by the post office in Plummer, Idaho.
“My wife said if I went on another fishing trip she’d divorce me…God, I’m going to miss her.”
How to irritate people: Hum that old Talking Heads song “Psycho Killer” until you infect your co-workers.
Today’s Slice question: What was your most interesting wrong-number call?
, DataTimes MEMO: The Slice appears Monday, Tuesday, Friday and Saturday. Write The Slice at P.O. Box 2160, Spokane, WA 99210; call (509) 459-5470; fax (509) 459-5098.