The Slice Got A Question? Ask The Guy On The Next Stool Over
The Spokane area is blessed in that every other resident is an expert on allergies, law enforcement and parts of the country they’ve never visited.
Service above and beyond: Apparently Yvonne Johnson, a regular customer at a downtown coffee shop, is the sort of person people miss when she’s not around.
“I was at Valley Hospital recovering from surgery when I saw a staff member from City Perk standing in the doorway with my regular grande almond roca latte,” she wrote. “After 20 miles, it was perfect.”
The last place you look: “My friend Bryan Warnke should be nominated for losing the most contact lenses,” wrote Bob Wall. “The most unusual was recently. He got up and tore the house apart looking for his lenses. Not able to find them, he put on his glasses and sat down to write out some bills. Yep. The contact lenses were in his checkbook.”
Annoying habits of sports fans include: Extremely nonathletic spectators making ridiculous attempts to high-five, said one caller.
Loudest kids-calling voice (nostalgia division): Almira’s Jeanette Coppersmith nominated Hartline’s Bob Dingman. She remembers him calling his four children back in the ‘60s. “He had this wonderful, deep voice,” she said. “And you could really hear it. Everybody could.”
Dogs that love to ride in the car include: Biscuit, who will nip at your ankles and feet if you don’t let her come along. And a cocker spaniel who “head surfs” in the wind. And a dog named Bozo, who especially enjoys riding from Ford to Spokane. And Mr. Peter, a poodle who likes to position himself across the driver’s shoulders and watch the world go by.
But it would be tough to top Margaret Koivula’s dog, a German shepherd named Attila the Crumb.
Koivula once locked him in the house and drove off. “You can imagine my surprise when, about 10 minutes later, I was driving on Division in rush hour traffic and this blur of fur leaped across my path of vision and landed, panting, in the passenger’s seat,” wrote Koivula. “He had broken out a kitchen window, had raced over several miles and had somehow found me.”
Today’s Slice question: What would be your one-sentence graduation address?
, DataTimes ILLUSTRATION: Drawing
MEMO: The Slice appears Monday, Tuesday, Friday and Saturday. Write The Slice at P.O. Box 2160, Spokane, WA 99210; call (509) 459-5470; fax (509) 459-5098.