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The Spokesman-Review Newspaper
Spokane, Washington  Est. May 19, 1883

Washington Democratic Presidential Primary

Election Results

Candidate Votes Pct
Hillary Clinton (D) 416,463 52.40%
Bernie Sanders (D) 378,364 47.60%

* Race percentages are calculated with data from the Secretary of State's Office, which omits write-in votes from its calculations when there are too few to affect the outcome. The Spokane County Auditor's Office may have slightly different percentages than are reflected here because its figures include any write-in votes.

The Candidates

Hillary Clinton

Former Secretary of State

Bernie Sanders

U.S. Senator

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Complete Coverage

Leonard Pitts Jr.: Sick and tired of Trump

I am tired of Donald Trump. But I am fascinated by Donald Trump. But I am tired of Donald Trump.

Kathleen Parker: A nice column about Trump

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Will Bunch: Dangerous disregard for press and First Amendment

Citizens say they love journalism and want the facts, as long as it’s the fact that the other guy (or gal) is a bum.

Clinton having a quiet August, and for her, that’s just fine

It’s no day at the beach, but Hillary Clinton is having the political equivalent of a quiet August.

Trump and new team have little time to execute new strategy

Donald Trump is on the clock. He has about 80 days to reset and rally a presidential campaign that’s done little but stagger since the close of the Republican convention.

Froma Harrop: Progressives may protest too much

Clinton’s core proposals, some inspired or pushed along by Bernie Sanders’ campaign, are progressive. The Democratic Party platform, meanwhile, is being called the most progressive in history.

Cynthia M. Allen: Clinton a terribly flawed candidate

Until Trump’s rise during the primaries, Clinton’s weaknesses were widely celebrated among conservatives and nervously downplayed by her supporters. A generic GOP ticket repeatedly beat her by significant margins in poll

Outside View: More candidates should buck party line

There is nothing wrong with a candidate showing reasoned independence from his or her party. Independent thinking is worth valuing especially in today’s political environment.

Amy Goodman: Future Olympics too hot to handle

The Lancet researchers made use of the global attention being paid to the Olympics to make a bigger point: “The world beyond 2050 poses increasingly difficult challenges … because the extent and speed of change might exceed society’s ability to adapt.”

In a first, Trump says he regrets painful comments

For the first time since declaring his presidential run, Republican Donald Trump offered an extended apology to those who may have been hurt by his caustic comments, saying that he regrets some of what he’s said “in the heat of debate.”

Trump makes first battleground state ad buys

A new brain trust in place, Donald Trump on Thursday moved to invest nearly $5 million in battleground state advertising as the Republican presidential contender took modest steps to address daunting challenges in the states that will make or break his White House ambitions.

Clinton’s foundation to alter donations policy if elected

The Clinton Foundation will no longer accept foreign and corporate donations if Hillary Clinton is elected president.

Grassley: FBI improperly restricting access to Clinton documents

The FBI is improperly restricting access to materials from its closed investigation into Hillary Clinton’s use of a private email server, the chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee said Wednesday.

Clinton’s August fundraising spree: From Scranton to Cher

Scranton isn’t a standard stop on the Democratic fundraising circuit. Yet Hillary Clinton put the Western Pennsylvania city on her itinerary – several times. The Democratic presidential nominee and her family have made four visits to Scranton donors since launching her campaign last August, raising millions of dollars in a former industrial city more known for needing economic aid than giving it out.

House Republicans receive FBI notes from Clinton interview

The House oversight committee says it has received FBI documents related to the investigation of Hillary Clinton’s use of a private email server.

State asks to review FBI notes on Hillary Clinton prior to release to Congress

The State Department wants a chance to review notes and other materials from the FBI’s probe of former Secretary Hillary Clinton’s email use before any documents are provided to Congress, a spokeswoman said Monday.

In Washington governor’s race, Bryant says he won’t vote for Trump

Bill Bryant, GOP candidate for Washington governor, says he won’t vote for Donald Trump after comments about Muslim family of slain soldier.

Poll has bad news for Trump, Bryant in Washington

The latest version of The Elway Poll has Hillary Clinton beating Donald Trump in Washington and Jay Inslee beating Bill Bryant. It also says supporting Trump can be a big negative with state voters. Meanwhile, Bryant says he won’t vote for Trump.

Analysis: What Trump and Clinton didn’t say in their economic speeches

Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton spelled out their economic visions in high-profile speeches in Michigan this week. They delved into taxes and regulations, trade deals and job growth. Yet perhaps most notable about their speeches is what they left out.

Froma Harrop: Clinton a steady head on health care

Clinton remains intent on keeping Obamacare and making it better. Happily, the likelihood of her being in charge is rising.