WILDLIFE -- Here's more support for highway crossings for wildlife that are showing up in projects around Washington and Idaho: Research finds grizzly bears prefer overpasses in park in Alberta Bow Valley-based scientist Tony Clevenger has released his findings of 17 years of study on…
ENDANGERED SPECIES -- Oregon has released its draft 2014 Oregon Wolf Conservation and Management Annual Report and it's available online. The report, required by the federal government for states dealing with gray wolf recovery, includes the 2014 update for Oregon’s Wolf Population. Nine wolf packs…
GEOLOGY -- There's no better way to soak up the science and history of how the Inland Northwest landscape was shaped than to join in some of the events scheduled this season by area geologists and experts in the Ice Age Floods. The Cheney-Spokane Chapter...
FISHING -- Montana Fish, Wildlife and Parks will interview anglers starting in March 2 on the Missouri River between Holter Dam and the town of Cascade to get a better idea of angler usage and their opinions about the popular trout fishing river. The creel…
Rich Landers writes and photographs stories and columns for a wide range of outdoors coverage, including Outdoors feature sections on Sunday and Thursday.