Daily Bee: Sandpoint’s Kramer should be in NFL hall of fame
SANDPOINT -- We all know why Jerry Kramer should be in the NFL Hall of Fame, it smacks us over the head every time we see footage and pictures from the golden era of football. But we’ll get to his bonafides later.
The question of why he should be in the Hall of Fame is the wrong one to be asking. The question we need to be asking is why in the heck isn’t he already?
Hours upon hours of research on the subject failed to yield any semi-plausible answers. On the contrary, it revealed a cascade of reasons why he should have his bust in Canton, Ohio.
The time is now to for Idaho football fans to get involved and demand an answer. To ask why the greatest player ever from the Gem State, a heart and soul player on a Green Bay Packer dynasty that spanned from black-and-white to color television, continues to get slighted year after year?/Eric Plummer, Bonner County Daily Bee. More here.