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The Spokesman-Review Newspaper
Spokane, Washington  Est. May 19, 1883

Down To Earth

Bicycling props and Google love

Even as lifetime members for life, we struggle with ways to talk about FBC on DTE -  partly because of our inability to use adult words on a family site, and partly because aside from telling you we had one helluva time on rides, one of the rules of FBC is that you don't talk about FBC (that's not really true).  But this bit of news is just too cool to pass up.  IMG_8245

Somewhere between Portland and Melbourne you can find Spokane's place on the bicycle culture map - so says Knog, the makers of fine bike luggage, safety lights, apparel and other accessories in their latest catalog (big PDF).  The guys from Knog joined a ride in July as part of a two week global photo shoot with Tokyo based photographer and cycle rider Motoyan, where they were, "checking out real people and real bikes..."  The result is awesome, and that goes for all the places they shot - Budapest, Cologne, Paris, Portland, Melbourne, and SPOKANE.  So what does it all mean aside from a feather in the cap about our great bicycling scene?  Nothing really, well except for a bit of congratulations that goes out to Jeff and Lisa for giving us the FBC .  John Speare at Cycling Spokane summed it up best, "Over the last couple years, the simple format-- a bike ride on the full moon every month -- has coalesced the fledgling bike culture of Spokane into a bonafide identity.

So know that we're worldwide bike cool, it's time to take our cred Google-wide - by bringing Google Street View off the streets and on to our Centennial Trail.  According to Google, they are working hard to bring Google Street View to interesting areas like pedestrian malls and trails that cannot be reached by car.  But they want to hear from users where they should go. Google will be accepting suggestions for US locations until Wednesday October 28, 2009. Suggested locations will then be put to a vote.  So we're asking all of you to visit THIS SITE and vote for the Centennial Trail.  Let's show others how awesome a resource it is and help raise awareness for its existence and preservation.

Down To Earth

The DTE blog is committed to reporting and sharing environmental news and sustainability information from across the Inland Northwest.