Good evening Netizens! Well, good news all the way around! According to the doctors there is no sign of infection in my foot at this time; they eliminated it with one blast of antibiotics, some good care by the doctors and a lot of prayers…
Good evening Netizens! Well, good news all the way around! According to the doctors there is no sign of infection in my foot at this time; they eliminated it with one blast of antibiotics, some good care by the doctors and a lot of prayers…
Good morning Netizens... During my prolonged absence I have endured a double heart bypass surgery, three heart shutdowns, a four month stay at a nursing/long term care facility and have nearly lost all control of my right hand fingers during and since my heart shutdown.…
Happy New Year! First day of the year!!! A clean slate. An actual "Do-Over". A day when my resolutions will be 100% successful! This year, though, I simplified my resolution(s) to simply count my blessings all day long. Also, to be joyful; to be kind;…