On the campaign trail of David Elton…
Good morning, Netizens...
I almost got into journalistic trouble the other day when I stated a bit prematurely that David Elton was running for County Commissioner. There was a slight lapse between when I posted my announcement and when the Secretary of States web site updated at http://wei.secstate.wa.gov/spokane/runningforoffice/Pages/CandidateFilings.aspx.
That is because I received word of Elton's filing from an private source and I verified the information from the Secretary of States office here in Spokane almost at the time he paid his filing fees. That seemed good enough at the time, but I wasn't aware that the state web site had not been updated.
Once David Elton was officially in the running, it took less than 24 hours for his preliminary political campaign to run onto the rocks after a fashion. I have been aware for some time that David has an affection, a strange fascination for the Davenport Hotel, and ostensibly has been using their in-house computer network to access the Internet on a number of occasions, which is a serious no-no from their perspective, since is was not a guest of their establishment. He was warned several times, but persisted until yesterday, when he was escorted from the Hotel by security personnel and served with a notice titled “Notice of Trespass/Exclusion Private Property”. Ostensibly he is forbidden from entering the Davenport under city code 10.12.050, http://www.spokanecity.org/services/documents/smc/?Section=10.12.050 ie., trespass.
One never knows quite what David Elton will do next, but he always speaks his mind as he sees fit, with a considerable degree of cogency and clarity. More often than not, he creates controversy wherever he goes, whatever he says.
However, you might want to closely watch the political campaign in the County Commissioner's Third Seat in the upcoming election. This is bound to be an interesting political campaign.