Power out in North Spokane and beyond…
Good morning, Netizens...
There was a major power outage in North-Central Spokane this morning at about 5:00 AM (KXLY said 5:15), one that Avista still has yet to explain. With no rain, lightning strikes or cars hitting power poles, it would be nice to know what caused the outage which, according to KREM-2, encompasses 6,000 people whose electric alarm clocks didn't go off this morning.
At latest report a rumor has it that the outage may have been caused by animal life. I've seen that. I have a squirrel who loves using Avista's power lines that pass behind the Virtual Ballroom to get from his/her nest to the feeding grounds. Whenever he scampers overhead, I nearly always wonder when or if I will see a flash, a puff of smoke and poof! No more squirrel riding the freeway.
Avista has since announced all power will be restored by noon today. If confirmed, services for the animal who zapped Avista's power will be privately held later on.