‘A difficult thing to do’
Answering questions from reporters, House GOP leaders said they feel like some progress is being made, though they hardly sounded optimistic. "Any time you can sit down and communicate, there's progress being made," said House Speaker Lawerence Denney. "The governor has definitely made the case for the need - it is the economy." Said House Majority Leader Mike Moyle, "We're working together and we're talking. Just give the process a little time to work ... we'll get there." Denney said, "We don't want to get into a shouting match with the governor on how long it's going to be."
Asked when the House would say it's tried all it can and it's time to give up, House Majority Caucus Chairman Ken Roberts said, "That's the message we delivered today, is that we have voted on gas bills six times, the House has weighed in. ... We believe it's a difficult thing to do to raise gas taxes this year."