Fee hikes set for Idaho universities
The Idaho State Board of Education has approved fee hikes ranging from 5 to 7 percent for Idaho state universities for next year. At the University of Idaho, the fees called "matriculation fees," since UI can't charge "tuition," will rise 6.5 percent, to $4,934 for a full-time, in-state student. That's less than the 8.5 percent the university requested. BSU will have a tuition and fee incresae of 5 percent, to $4,864, matching their request; ISU will go up 6.5 percent to $4,968, short of the 9.3 percent increase the Pocatello school requested; and LCSC will go up 7 percent to $4,596 a year, which is less than their requested 9 percent hike. Eastern Idaho Technical College will have a 5 percent fee incresae to $1,750 for tuition and fees, matching the EITC request.
The state board also decided that if JFAC makes further changes in the personnel cost cut of 5 percent that it's already set in the budget for higher education, the student fees can change as well - going up if lawmakers decide to cut deeper, or going down if they decide to cut less.