Spokane Schools to make up all five snow days
Students in the Spokane Public Schools will have to make up all five snow days they got off during the record-breaking December storms, the school board has decided.
“We believe that the best way for our students to meet the high expectations we as a district, state and country have for them is to be in school the full 180 days, which is why we have built snow days into the school calendar,” Board President Rocky Treppiedi said in a prepared statement. “Education is our priority and responsibility.”
Other school districts across the Inland Northwest still are deciding how to make up the lost days, if at all.
The Spokane district already had announced that it was canceling “Semester Break Day,” which is Jan. 30. The school board decided Wednesday night that the other make-up days will be Feb. 13 and June 15, 16 and 17, according to a district announcement.